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I’d like to learn more about how you can help me.

Fantastic! Our sole purpose is to help you build a purpose driven publishing business so you can make more money and free up your time. That’s more than I can explain in just a few sentences which is why we created a free training class where we explain everything about the business model and exactly how you can get started. Just scroll down a bit, click the button that says “Watch Free Training Class” and stay for the entire class!

How can I access your programs?

Getting started is simple. Just click the menu in the upper right corner, then you'll see a section that says "programs" where you can find all of the programs we offer. As of right now, Audiobook Income Academy 2.0 is our only training program, but there will be more coming soon!

Can I publish books even if I live outside of the US?

Yes! The only thing you need is an internet connection and a desire to change your life. Amazon allows people from all countries in the world to publish books on Amazon. Audible is slight different though as you or your business will need to be registered in the US, UK or Canada to publish audiobooks on their platform. If you are not from one of these 3 countries, we provide step-by-step training about how to register your publishing business abroad. To summarize, you can start, manage and grow a profitable publishing business from anywhere in the world.

I have zero writing skills, can I still do this?

No problem! We would never expect a non-writer to write a book from scratch. In fact, most of our successful publishing students have never written a book themselves! We believe the most efficient way to create an incredible book is by hiring a professional ghostwriter that is experienced in your niche. This saves you time and effort and the result will be a truly impressive book with the potential to impact the lives of thousands of readers. And we know exactly where to find the best writers for the lowest prices ;)


Watch The Free Training Class